National Trust Ecofund (NTEF)

1574 Sofia
Shipchenski prohod 67B Blv.
+359 2 973 36 37
November, 2023
On 22 and 23 November, two out of the three envisaged focus groups under project “Implementation of innovative measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in municipalities in Bulgaria“ took place in Sofia.
November, 2022
A team of the Norwegian partners under the NTEF project “Implementation of innovative climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the municipalities in Bulgaria” funded by the EEA FM Environment Protection and Climate Change Program visited Bulgaria.
June, 2022
Within the period 8 – 10 June 2022, the last of the three working meetings of the expert teams of the partner municipalities under the project, was held.
May, 2022
Representatives of the eight partner municipalities under project “Implementation of innovative measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria” paid a visit to Bergen and Western Norway within 26-30.04.2022 and 09-13.05.2022.
May, 2022
On 26-27 May 2022, the second of the three workshops involving the expert teams from the project municipalities was held.
March, 2022
Representatives of the partners under project “Implementation of innovative measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria” under the Environmental Protection and Climate Change Program of the European Economic Area (EEA) paid a visit to Oslo within the period 22-25 March 2022.